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Graphics Page
Topics on this page:
CMPT 361 |
CMPT 461
Well I have taken CMPT 361 - Introduction to Computer Graphics and CMPT
461 - Advanced Graphics at SFU and one thing you come away with is lots
of pretty pictures. So here are my efforts in OpenGL and Raytracing.
Hope you like 'em.
I took CMPT 361 in the Spring semester of 1996 with Brian Funt. Here are
the efforts of my assignments.
NOTE: I didn't take mach care to the quality of these images at the time
and I have lost the source so I'm not going to make new ones. There is
no way I am gonna type the source in again.
Assignment 1
. We had to take a demo and change
the object. I chose to do a floppy disk.
Assignment 2
We had to do a moving plane. I
picked a WWI bi-plane.
Assignment 3
Assignment 3 had us making controls for our plane and
putting them
in another viewport. The red button stops the program, the grey box
turns and banks the plane at variable speeds, and the green bar to the
right changes the speed of the propeller. Picking (with dragging from
GLUT) was used to get the interaction.
Assignment 4
Assignment 4 had us putting our plane in a scene with
material properties and landscape. Texture mapping is used for the
fields. It is poor but gets the desired effect. Fog is also used.
In my last semester, Spring 1997, I took CMPT 461 with David Fracchia.
We had two assignments plus a final project.
Our patch editor had to do two Hermite surfaces, two Bezier surfaces,
and one UNRBS surface, plus a bonus of a 32 cp NURB patch. We had to
use OpenGL and could use XForms for the interface.
Here are a couple of screenshots of mine. It is still a bit buggy so I won't
provide the source right now.
Our raytracer had to support spheres and polyhedra, with ambient, diffuse,
specular lighting plus reflections. Refraction was left to a bonus which
I did not get to.
Here are a few shots of my raytracer's output.
I was partnered with Michael Pohoreski for the project and we decided on
doing a driving game, considering his experience in Coop at EA. We used OpenGL,
and GLUT so we could be portable, in fact we made a Linux port(me) and a NT port (Mike) besides
the SGI version that had to be handed in.